Phone: 813-892-2922
Payment Instructions
Credit Card | Debit Card | Bank Account | PayPal
Read BEFORE Clicking Payment Button Below
1. After you click the "Pay Legal Fees Now" bar, You must select the button next to "PayPal" for ALL payment methods;
2. Enter the amount you are paying next to "Price";
3. Make sure the blue button next to "PayPal" is selected;
4. Click "Check Out With PayPal" button;
5. If you are using a debit card or credit card, scroll to the bottom of the window and select "Pay With Debit or Credit Card";
If you have PayPal account, you may log in here and pay through PayPal.
6. Enter debit card or credit card information;
7. Scroll to bottom of window and click "Pay Now" blue bar;
8. If successful, you will be returned to the Client Page and receive e-mail receipt.
9. Click "Pay Legal Fees Now" bar now to begin payment process.